The operation and parking of a motor vehicle on the property of Susquehanna University is a privilege granted to the students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University. Susquehanna University reserves the right to make and enforce those regulations which are deemed to be in the best interest of the University community. Motor vehicle privileges may be denied, suspended or revoked by the University. Parking regulations and instructions may be found at Parking is at the risk of the driver. The University is not responsible for theft or damage to parked vehicles on University property, however, if a student vehicle is damaged or items are stolen from the vehicle, contact The Office of Campus Safety immediately so that an incident report can be filed and an investigation can be performed.
The Motor Vehicle Regulations at Susquehanna University are for the benefit of the campus community and to ensure;
- Safety and protection of life and property on campus;
- Optimum use of campus roads and parking areas;
- Free flow of traffic;
- Service and emergency vehicle access to all parts of campus.
- Motor Vehicle: Any vehicle which is self-propelled and/or registered to operate on public roadways.
- Registrant: The individual in whose name a motor vehicle is registered with the University or, for unregistered vehicles, the individual in whose name the vehicle is registered with a state department of motor vehicles.
- Fine: A fee against a registrant for the violation of Motor Vehicle Regulations.
- Boot: A device used to immobilize a vehicle. This device is placed around a tire.
- Appeal: A written request for a review, reduction or cancellation of a fine, penalty, and/or disciplinary action.
Low-Emitting and Fuel Efficient Vehicles are classified as either of the following:
- Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) by the California Air Resources Board (ZEV Vehicle List attached or copy at the Office of Campus Safety). The information may also be accessed at
- Having a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) annual vehicle rating guide (LEED Vehicles 2010 attached).
- Carpool: an arrangement by which two or more SU faculty/staff share a vehicle for transportation.
- All motor vehicles parked on Susquehanna University property by a student, faculty member, or staff member must be registered with the Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety and must display a valid registration sticker or placard.
- The registrant is responsible for all violations of these regulations regardless of who was operating the vehicle at the time the violation occurred.
- Occasional guests to the campus, who are neither students nor employees of the University, are not required to register their motor vehicles, but their vehicles must be parked in those areas designated as visitor parking. Visitors may park in these designated areas for no more than eight (8) hours on a given day and no more than two (2) consecutive days. Longer term visitor parking will require a temporary parking permit placard being placed on the vehicle’s rear view mirror. These temporary permits may be obtained at the Office of Campus Safety, located at the 18 th Street Commons House, at no charge. Overnight guests must register with the Office of Campus Safety, per the guest policy, and give their vehicle information along with the location of the vehicle to the Office of Campus Safety.
- Student registrations expire August 31 of each year. New permits are issued at the beginning and throughout the school year. Employee registration expires when the employment status is terminated. All registrations expire when the ownership of the registered vehicle is transferred.
- Affiliates who wish to park in the spaces designated for “Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles” or “Carpool” must first have the appropriate Faculty/Staff or Student registration sticker and must obtain the appropriate tag from the Office of Campus Safety. Information regarding authorized vehicles may be found in this policy or at the Office of Campus Safety located at the 18 th Street Commons House. Vehicles permitted to park in these spaces must display the hanging tag inside of their vehicle around the rearview mirror. These spaces are on a first come/first serve basis. These spaces will be marked with painted green lines and signage. A map noting locations is attached,
- The number of parking registrations may be limited.
- Student, Faculty and staff may register their vehicles online on the myNest Campus Safety site under forms.
Parking Registration Stickers
- Acceptance of a motor vehicle registration sticker from Susquehanna University is an acknowledgement by the registrant that these regulations have been read and understood and constitutes an agreement by the registrant to abide by the regulations.
- Registration stickers must be displayed in a clearly visible location on the rear bumper or rear window of a motor vehicle.
- Registration stickers are not transferrable from vehicle to vehicle or person to person.
- Failure to display registration stickers in a clearly visible location will be treated as a failure to register a vehicle and will be subject to ticketing, towing or immobilization (Booting).
Parking Registration Stickers will be issued as follows:
- Faculty and Staff
- First-year Student – Lot east of Trax and west end of Sassafras Lot
- Upper Class – Student parking lots around campus
- Non-resident Commuter, exception is first-year student commuters, upper class sticker and green temporary hanging tag
- Temporary
Traffic Regulations
- Operators of motor vehicles must obey all signs and follow the directions of Susquehanna University Campus Safety Officers. This also includes operators of bicycles.
- The maximum speed limit on campus roads is 20 mph.
- Drivers must always yield to all pedestrians and electric carts on campus.
- Stop Signs: All vehicles must come to a full stop at all stop signs.
- One Way Roads: Operators of motor vehicles must drive in the correct direction on one way roads and conform to all other established campus traffic patterns.
- Off-Road operation of vehicles on campus is prohibited. Violators are subject to a fine and payment for any damages.
- Reckless Driving: Operating a motor vehicle in any manner which disregards the rights of others or in any manner which endangers or harms persons or property.
- Snowmobiles, ATV and other recreational off-road vehicles are not permitted on campus.
- Motorcycles shall be operated in a manner complying with all laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- All motor vehicles must be operated in a manner complying with all laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- Violation of any traffic regulation is punishable by a fine up to $200. Student violators are subject to sanctions imposed by the Susquehanna University Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct.
Parking Regulations
- Parking is permitted only in designated areas indicated by signs, painted spaces, and/or Susquehanna University Campus Safety Officer direction.
- Students may not park in areas designated for faculty, staff.
- Faculty & staff may park in lots designated for faculty/staff and all general parking areas
- A limited number of non-resident student parking permits will be issued. This permit will allow non-resident students to park in the commuter lot outside of Trax or general student parking. Students with general parking permits may not park in the commuter lot.
- Students, faculty, and staff may not park in areas designated for visitors/reserved.
- No one may park in restricted areas designated by ‘No Parking’ signs, yellow curbs or yellow/white lines indicating no parking zone.
- No one may park in or block service drives, loading zones, walkways or entrances and exits of parking lots.
- No one may park in a fire lane or within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. Violator’s vehicles are subject to immediate towing and will be issued a Borough of Selinsgrove ticket.
- No one may park on a lawn or other planted area or on a surface not designated for motor vehicles.
- All first-year students are required to park in the designated 1 st year lots. First-year lots are located on the West side of the Sassafras Residence Halls and the lot east of Trax. General street parking is permitted on Zeigler Lane (Between Scholars House & basketball courts) and the access road behind the West Village Complex (leading to baseball field). To allow maximum usage all vehicles parked in this area must display a valid SU parking permit and be parked within a marked space. All vehicles must be parked with the front end facing east (toward Degenstein Campus Center).
- Double parking is not permitted without authorization of the Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety.
- Vehicles bearing a special handicapped-driver registration plate or placard may be parked in designated handicapped parking spaces. In special circumstances a temporary handicapped placard may be approved by Coordinator Disability Services. Violator’s vehicles are subject to immediate towing.
- No parking against traffic along any roadway on University property, unless authorized by the Office of Campus Safety or properly marked.
- Only authorized vehicles are permitted to park in the cut out area on University Avenue outside of Seibert Hall. This area is posted with appropriate signage. Violators are subject to traffic tickets issued by the Borough of Selinsgrove.
- Geisinger parking lot is for workers, patients, and individuals with specific business inside of the Geisinger/SU medical facility.
- The parking map is located on the Campus Safety website. It is the responsibility of all students, faculty, and staff to be aware of this policy and map.
- Violation of a parking regulation is punishable by a fine up to $200. Violator’s vehicles are also subject to being towed or booted according to this policy.
Major and Persistent Violations
- Tampering with a parking ticket, registration sticker, parking sign, traffic sign, or disobedience to traffic directions issued by Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety staff may be punishable by a fine of up to $200, loss of vehicle parking privileges, and also may be referred to the Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct if violation is committed by a student.
- Interfering with a Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety official or outside law enforcement officer performing traffic direction or parking enforcement will result in a referral to the Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct (If violator is a student) and may result in a fine of $200 and/or criminal charges. If the violation is committed by an employee, the Senior Director of Human Resources will be notified and matter will be treated as a disciplinary situation.
- Anyone who flagrantly or persistently violates any of the provisions in this policy or any law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pertaining to traffic or parking is subject to having parking privileges revoked, vehicle immobilized (i.e., booted), and/or vehicle towed. Students will be referred to the Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct and employees will have their supervisor notified.
- Enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Regulations is the responsibility of the Office of Campus Safety.
- Fines may be paid at the Student Services Building within ten (10) University work days of the issuance of the ticket. Otherwise, the fine will be forwarded to the Business Office to be billed to the offender/registered operator.
- Unpaid parking tickets will result in a financial hold on the students account and this will impact the student’s ability to register for classes and/or diploma at graduation.
Parking and Traffic Violation Tickets
- Susquehanna University Parking and Traffic Violation tickets may only be issued by members of the Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety.
- Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety is authorized to issue tickets for Susquehanna University. Tickets issued on behalf of SU will be handled by the Business Office for billing. Borough of Selinsgrove tickets will be handled by the Borough Police Department.
- Parking and Traffic Violation tickets will be the most common enforcement measure; however, there will be times that illegally parked vehicles do not receive a parking ticket. This will not be an excuse or defense for others to illegally park vehicles.
- A copy of an issued Parking ticket will be placed on the front windshield and under the driver- side wiper blade of the offending vehicle. In the event that an offending vehicle leaves the scene prior to the parking ticket being issued; a copy of the parking ticket will be mailed to the campus residence of the offender. In the event that there is no campus address the copy of the parking ticket will be sent to the address of registration of the vehicle.
- The Parking Violation Tickets will have a space to note the fine for a particular offense. At the time of issuance this space will be completed and fine noted.
Immobilization (Booting)
The Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety in the following circumstances may immobilize or boot a vehicle parked in violation of regulations:
- A vehicle parked in a space and failing to display a registration sticker. This does not apply to actual visitors parked in a visitor space unless violator is an affiliate of SU and should be parked in a designated space.
- Vehicles registered to students who are parked in a space designated for faculty, staff, or visitors.
- The cost to have the boot removed from the vehicle will be $50 in addition to the fine attached to the ticket. If the boot remains on the vehicle for five (5) days, the vehicle is subject to being towed at the owner’s expense ($85 - $100). This fee is non-refundable.
- Individuals who have a boot on their vehicle must contact the Office of Campus Safety (570-372-4444) to have the device removed. The owner of the vehicle will be billed for the cost of this process.
- Damage to the boot caused by an operator of the offending vehicle in an attempt to free said vehicle will be considered vandalism and subject the involved individual to replacement costs, fines, and possibly criminal charges.
- Interference with a Campus Safety official in the performance of their duties may result in a fine of $200 and referral to the Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct, employee’s supervisor, or possible criminal charges.
The Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety in the following circumstances may tow a vehicle parked in violation of regulations:
- Vehicle parked in a hazardous position as interpreted by a member of the Susquehanna University Office of Campus Safety.
- Vehicle parked in a fire lane.
- Vehicle parked in a space designated by a handicapped sign without a proper handicapped registration plate or placard.
- Repeat offenders are subject to towing.
- Vehicle parked in a roadway, loading zone, sidewalk, blocking handicapped access to sidewalk, field, or grassy area, etc.
- Vehicle parked in any space not intended for vehicle parking including grass.
- Students parked in a faculty/staff space.
Susquehanna University uses a vendor for all towing incidents:
Keller’s Auto Body Inc.
825 N. High Street
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
(570) 374-4333 - Vehicles towed to vendor will be recovered at owner’s expense. Susquehanna University does not receive any funds from towing incidents. The cost to the owner to recover vehicle is $85-$100. If the operator arrives at the tow truck after the offending vehicle is attached to the truck the cost will be $50 to have the vehicle unattached to the tow truck. This will be in addition to the fine attached to the ticket.
- Interference with a Campus Safety official in the performance of their duties may result in a fine of $200 and referral to the Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct, employee’s supervisor, or possible criminal charges.
Extenuating Circumstances and Abandon Vehicles
- Realizing that there are many extenuating circumstances, the Office of Campus Safety will work with all members of our community in situations where special traffic or parking arrangements may need to occur. If someone needs a special arrangement (loading/unloading, overnight arrival, escort, etc.) the Office of Campus Safety must be notified prior to the need of a special arrangement. If the Office of Campus Safety does not receive notification, the vehicle is subject to all regulations and sanctions for violation.
- Abandoned vehicles left on campus after the semester is over must be removed with seven (7) days. Contact with the owner will be made via email and/or telephone by Campus Safety to determine timeframe for removal of vehicle. Any vehicles remaining after the seven (7) days will be towed at the owner’s expense by Keller’s Auto Body.
- Appeals must be submitted via the online parking appeals form located on the Campus Safety website.
- Appeals must be made within ten (10) calendar days of the issuance of the Parking and Traffic Violation ticket. Appeals will not be accepted after this time.
- The Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct will periodically convene a Student Conduct Board to review appeals. The Student Conduct Board will determine the merits of the appeal and will issue a decision to either deny the appeal or uphold the appeal and void the ticket. The board may also decide reduce the fine of the sanction. The board will review appeals involving towing to immobilization of vehicles. The decision of the board is final
- Payment of fines associated with tickets issued by SU Office of Campus Safety should be made to the Student Services or may be mailed to the same office within ten (10) working days. All checks should be made to Susquehanna University.
- Fines associated with unpaid tickets will be billed to the account of student, faculty or staff member. Non-affiliated violators will be referred to the Selinsgrove Borough Police Department.
- Payment of fines associated with tickets issued by or on behalf of the Borough of Selinsgrove should be directed to the Police Department located at 100 W. Pine Street, Selinsgrove, PA 17870. Payment instructions are written on the enclosed envelope and must be received by the Police Department within forty-eight (48) hours of issuance.
Fines (offense count is by academic year)
- Failure to comply with Campus Safety staff or tampering with parking enforcement equipment – $200 and possible loss of parking privileges.
- Handicapped/Special Needs – $50 first offence, $100 second offence, possible immobilization or towing plus loss of parking privileges.
- Fire Lane/Hydrant – $50
- All others – First offence $15, second offence $30, third and subsequent offence $50, possible immobilization or towing plus loss of parking privileges.